Experts in Wet Bench Design & Manufacturing
Support Services
As an innovative and reliable provider of modular wet benches, JST has served the semiconductor manufacturing industry for forty years. JST’s customer experience begins before the sale and continues for the life of the equipment.
Retrofits & Upgrades
24/7 Support & Field Service
Spare Parts
Support Services
Retrofits & Upgrades
JST specializes in retrofitting other suppliers’ equipment, from plumbing or bath upgrades to fixing electro-mechanical problems. Additionally, retrofitting wet benches with updated controllers, software, automation, and process modules falls squarely within the company’s scope of expertise. JST can customize and improve the performance of any wet bench, adding years of improved performance to the life of the equipment.
Convert manual wet benches to automated
Increase wafer size capability and through-put capacity
Refurbish or replace automation controllers
Repair or replace baths, add ultrasonics, megasonics
New controls, software, electromechanical, and plumbing components
Ergonomic loading and customized user interface options
Add level detection
Add bulk fill capability
Add chemical analyzer
Add temperature control
Support Services
24/7 Support & Field Service
JST’s certified Field Service Technicians can troubleshoot problems across many domains, from wet benches to process concerns to cleanroom facilities. The team performs in-the-field equipment retrofits, software changes, wet bench startups, and training. After 40 years of experience, clients trust that the experts at JST have the agility and knowledge to address even the most complex of concerns. All JST’s wet benches come standard with the promise of 24/7 technical support.
On-site installation and training
24/7 technical support for the life of all JST products
On-staff chemical process engineering
Factory-provided, real-time remote access
Trouble-shooting and maintenance screens
Bilingual user interface with real-time language selection
Bilingual service engineers fluent in Mandarin Chinese and English
Unlimited factory training for operators and maintenance personnel
Monthly users meetings with JST’s Field Service team
Support Services
Spare Parts
JST has an extensive inventory of critical spare parts to supply manufacturing demands and support customers with a 24-hour response time.
Whether you know exactly what you need, or need assistance identifying electronic, pneumatic, automation, and mechanical components, rely on us to provide quality parts that will keep your equipment performance ready.
With a software-based MRP system, JST is able to provide accurate, fast, and efficient shipment of spare parts worldwide.

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